I’m back from the comic shop this week and I got eleven new comics:

  • Bloodshot – 3
  • Archer & Armstrong – 2
  • Thief of Thieves – 8
  • Stormwatch – 0
  • Savage Dragon – 181
  • Night Force – 7
  • Mind the Gap – 4
  • Black Kiss – 2
  • Creator-Owned Heroes – 4
  • Epic Kill – 5
  • Silk Spectre – 3 (I bough this one just for the cover)
  • And now for a review of something I’ve read recently.

    ”Rachel Rising” Issues 1-9 by Terry Moore

    Since I bought Terry Moore’s last series “Echo” in single issues I don’t think I ever reviewed it (it was good you should check it out). Since I’m now reviewing series as they come out in single issues I figured now was a good time to write something about Moore’s latest comic ”Rachel Rising”.

    Terry Moore stories are not usually about the plot but about the relationships between the characters. Things happen at a slower pace than in a lot of comics but there is always stuff being revealed about how character A feels and interacts with character B. A Terry Moore story can have a lot of quiet moments and meaningful looks in it. He draws really really pretty so some of those looks can be stunning.

    ”Rachel Rising” is a departure for Moore since it can best be described as a horror story. It begins with our title character, Rachel, waking up in a ditch after dying. How is she still alive? Who knows? She makes her way back to her small town where for the next eight issues creepy things happen. We learn of Rachel’s relationships to her friends and family in town as she and they try to figure out what happened to her. Oh, and other creepy things happen to people and a ten year old girl goes on a supernatural killing spree. Yes, I’d call it horror.

    As happens on occasion with a Terry Moore story issue nine, which I just finished reading, is an issue that finally reveals a lot of the plot. Now we all have a better idea what is going on and it’s not good for the residents of this small town. It was a fun issue. Sometimes getting the answers isn’t as good as you’d expect it to be but here it was.

    I like this series a lot. It’s got great art and a good creepiness factor. Though I’m a Terry Moore fan I think that “Rachel Rising” would play pretty well with fans of more mainstream stuff. Give it a look and check out “Echo” too for a more sci-fi take on things.