I haven’t written a TV round up in a while so I thought I would. Here is the stuff I’ve been checking out this winter. It’s March 6, 2025 as I write this.

Animal Control – A Joel McHale sitcom about a group of people who work for animal control. I guess it’s a workplace sitcom. It’s an ensemble show but it was McHale who brought me on board. I generally like his stuff. I think this show is cut above the other new sitcoms on this list. It’s solidly likable.

Austin Stories – This a twelve episode show that I rewatch every December. It is another “Show about nothing” that first ran in 1997. It follows our main three twenty-something characters as they live their lives in Austin Texas. I have a special affection for this show and it has grown nostalgic over the decades.

Cheers – Here is another show that has gotten nostalgic as the years have passed. Cheers is, of course, a famous sitcom about a bar in Boston. I like to watch it occasionally and I also watch it on shuffle. I never know what episode will come up. I find that more fun than watching it in order.

Cobra Kai – I don’t think this show is anywhere near as good as it was in the beginning but it’s still okay. It’s the story of a couple of karate school and their rivalry. This season the schools are over in Europe for a big tournament.

From – This one is a horror show about people trapped in a town with monsters that come out at night. Most people got to the town just by driving and suddenly they drive into this town and there is no way out. Everybody is trying to stay alive and figure out what’s happening. Scary stuff.

Ghosts (USA) – A sitcom about a couple who buys a big old house and finds out it’s full of ghosts. Because of an accident the female lead can see and hear the ghosts but no one else can. Hijinks ensue. There is also a British version of the show that has ended. Both are good.

High Potential – Staring Dee from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” this is another Quirky Detective show. That’s a genre that I’m fond of. The main character is a super smart and an excellent observer except she has underachieved in life. Now she helps out the police solve cases. A fun detective show.

The Irrational – My second Quirky Detective show. This time it stars a professor who researches and teaches about human behavior. He uses his skills to help the police solve crimes. Lots of behavior lessons in this one.

Laid – A dark comedy about a woman who discovers that her ex-lovers are all dying. Since she and they are all young they are dying in weird ways. She and her best friend try to figure out what is going on. Strange stuff.

Man on the Inside – A Ted Danson vehicle. He stars as a man who is hired by a detective agency to live in a retirement home and figure out who stole an expensive piece of jewelry. It’s a sweet comedy that is very likable.

Modern Family – I’ve been rewatching this one for a while now. It’s a sitcom about a big family and what goes on in their lives. I watched a lot of it first run but this is only the second time I’ve watched it. There is around 250 episodes so this will take a while.

Night Court (2023) – A new and updated version of the 1980s show about the people who work in a courtroom. It’s solidly okay. Not the funniest sitcom ever but it has its moments and is pleasant overall.

Paradise – A show about a Secret Service agent who is the lead in protecting the President. He fails to do so and then there is a weird twist at the end of the first episode. It’s been good so far.

Paris Has Fallen – This one is an action show about special agents who try to stop a terrorist from blowing up parts of Paris. Part of it is in English and part in French. It’s only eight episodes and is a fairly straight forward action show. It made for solid watching as I rode my stationary bike.

Poppa’s House – A sitcom that stars Damon Wayans and Damon Wayons junior. I think there is some radio/podcast angle but mostly it’s a family comedy staring the father and son. I like both of the Wayans and that’s why I’m watching it. It’s only okay but the Wayans have their moments.

The Rookie – We’re on season seven of this one. I find that hard to believe. It’s a solid cop show staring Nathan Fillion. I’ve been watching him on TV for a long time starting with Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place.

Severance – I think this is my favorite new show on the list. It’s part mystery and part thriller. Mostly it’s a mystery. It’s a workplace mystery. Four people have signed up for a job where they get a chip in their head that separates their work life from the rest of their life. When they go to work they have no memory of who they are and what goes on when they are not at work. And vice versa. But what is the company really up to? That’s what they start to try to figure out. A good mystery and it’s fun to follow everybody’s theories online.

School Spirits – A show about a bunch of people who have died in their high school and now their spirits are trapped there. A new ghost arrives but does she really belong there? Maybe and maybe not. That’s what the show will reveal.

Silo – Another mystery show about a society of people living in a silo after some kind of disaster. So many generations have passed since the disaster that the knowledge of it has been lost. The show is about trying to hold the society together and also figure out what happened. One aspect of season two was a little annoying to me but overall I still like the show.

The Simpsons – Thirty six seasons and I’m still liking this show. What more can I say?

Sunny – A show about an American woman living in Japan. Her Japanese husband and son have just died and there is some sort of mystery about their deaths. I kept waiting for this show to get more interesting but it ended up being only so-so.

Teacup – A horror show about a few families why are suddenly trapped by a deadly forcefield that surrounds their property. They can’t leave and there is a monster in there with them hunting one of them. A solid show. One of the things I liked about it was that they explained to us what was going on. A lot of shows like this never explain anything and I find that annoying.

Tracker – Another detective show about a guy who tracks people down. He works for reward money and travels the USA looking for cases. Or maybe he just travels and one of his coworkers finds cases for him. He’s not quite a Quirky Detective. It’s more like his job is the quirky part.

Will Trent – Another cop show. The lead works for the Georgia Bureau of Investigations. He is totally a quirky detective. He grew up in foster care and has Dyslexia. He has lots of quirks as he solves cases. It’s another solid show.