I just got back from the comic shop and I bought:
Usagi Yojimbo #90 – I book I’ve been buying for over 20 years now and it’s stonger than ever. Amazes me with its consistent quality
Savage Dragon #122 – Solid super-hero stuff by a guy (Erik Larsen) who truly loves super-heroes.
Local #3 – Good “slice of life” stories.
Red Sonja vs Thulsa Doom #1 – Dynamite Entertainment has been doing a good job with their Sonja books. So I’ll try this one.
Warren Ellis Blackgas– I find Ellis hit or miss but a zombie eating a baby and her mom on the cover suckered me in.
It was a light week…
Fallen Angel #2
I like this book. Peter David can write a good tale when he wants to.
Green Lantern Corps #4
I got my superhero fix this month. Dave Gibbons is a better artist than he is a writer, however.
DC Alan Moore Trade Paperback
This stuff is awesome. It was great back in the day, it still holds up. I wish comics were always this good. Highly recommended.