Comics I Bought This Week: January 16, 2010
I’m back from the comic shop this week and I got four new comics:
And now for a review of something I’ve read recently.
Here we go with another Hercules volume. I’ve been buying these volumes as they’ve been coming out so you know I’ve been enjoying them and this one is no exception.
The plotting on “Dark Reign” is a bit of a mess because of a company wide crossover at Marvel and a tie in with the events of an “Ares” mini series which I never read. Yet somehow it still managed to be, maybe, my favorite of the current “Hercules” volumes.
The first part of the story is where I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Olympians were plotting against other Olympians in NYC and then Norman Osborn showed up to plot against all Olympians. Finally Osborn and the some part of the Avengers showed up and everybody fought until they stopped fighting. It was not badly don’t I just don’t know why it was done.
After that we get Hercules traveling to Hades, the underworld, trying to save his father Zeus. I really like the way the creators make the ancient Greek gods come alive in this series. The Greek gods have been in the Marvel Universe for years but really just as another group of super heros. Now they are more like their legendary selves with crazy feuds that go back thousands of years. Fun stuff.
The artwork by various pencilers, inkers, colorists, and letterers is alright. Not “A” level stuff but solid super hero artwork. I can’t say any of it stood out as better than the rest but nothing stood out as worse either. Sometimes good enough is good enough.
Not much more to say about “Hercules”. It’s been a good run for the Prince of Power. An entertaining super hero comic.
I think I have to pick up these Hercules books. I’ve heard only great things… I’m hesitant because I’ve dropped every marvel book because I’m sick of crossovers.
I keep thinking of dropping BUFFY… ANGEL’s been much better lately since Bill Willingham took over the writing.
Buffy has been okay. Not great but I buy so few new monthly comics that it’s in no danger of me dropping it. I bought the first two Angel collections and that was enough for me. A “Just okay” Buffy series has far out shinned “Angel”.