Comics I Bought This Week: December 31, 2011
I’m back from the comic shop this week and I got seven new comics plus a hard cover collection:
(It was a “Let’s try out some Bat-Books week and I liked the Flash Gordon cover)
And now for a review of something I’ve read recently.
”Fear Agent: Out of step” (Fear Agent issues 28-32) by Rick Remender, Mike Hawthorne, and Tony Moore
These five issues are the end of the “Fear Agent” comic book and the story as a whole. Being that issue 28 came out in July 2010 and issue 32 came out in October 2011 it’s been a while. I waited until this last issue finally came out to read the whole story arc.
“Fear Agent” was a confusing comic to read month to month. The whole concept of the comic seemed to have changed at least three times. The story eventually involved time travel and changing the past so it was pretty easy for things to get confusing. Yet I always liked it anyway despite not always knowing exactly what was going on.
This story starts out in a confusing way. The beginning is kind of the ending for the last story. Or at least the cleaning up (and killing) of loose ends from the previous story arc. If issue 28 was the first issue someone read of this comic it wouldn’t surprise me at all if they had no idea what was going on. Things move fast and characters show up with no introduction or explanation. Then we get two different versions of the lead character with little explanation.
But by the third issue in the arc the story settles in and the chaotic plot reveals itself. The entire series is recapped and explained so that the lead character, The Fear Agent, has a clear goal and possible means of achieving it. The story goes from wild and confusing to focused. It’s an interesting transition.
You have to know that if I stuck around for thirty two issues that I like “Fear Agent”. That holds true for this final story arc too. The art by Hawthorne, Moore, and Lucas is solid but a little rougher around the edges than the stuff Moore did by himself. Nothing to complain about though. The coloring and lettering were also good. It was an enjoyable series all around.
There haven’t been a lot of issues of “Fear Agent” over the last few years so it’ll be hard to miss the series but this was a nice send off. Most of the oddball stuff was given an explanation and Heath Huston, the Fear Agent, got a little tastes of happiness and satisfaction after thirty two issues of running for his life, drinking too much, causing too much mayhem and death, and not being in control of his life. It was a good comic. Plus it had a lot of nice covers.
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